
A Whirlwind!!!

The past 11 weeks have flown by! Can you believe it...11 weeks? One week from today will mark three months old for Aiden and Will. As you can imagine, we have been busy. Any time not spent feeding, playing, or working has been spent sleeping (and there hasn't been much of that). This is my excuse for not updating the blog :)

Some things have changed and some remain the same. At our last doctor visit Aiden weighed 10 pounds 10 ounces and 21.75 inches long, Will was 10 pounds 5 ounces and 21.25 inches long. They have both more than doubled their weight since birth and look like "real babies" now. Both of them are able to hold their heads up without assistance for short periods. They are also becoming more alert with every passing day. It is not unusual for them to stay awake between feedings during the day. Both boys are smiling and every now and then will laugh!

We are still having "episodes." Aiden and Will are seeing a GI specialist at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. They have been diagnosed with severe reflux. This is what causes the choking (blue baby) episodes. We still average about one episode per week, so both boys continue to wear heart monitors. The doctors say we will outgrow this...but it could take several more months!

The past several months have been full of firsts. We met our cousins for the first time! We are going to have so much fun growing up with Nate, Noah, Harrison, and Tate! We made out first trip to Athens,  went to our first Georgia tailgate, dressed up for Halloween, and sat on Santa's lap!

We love each other
Meeting Great Grandma for the first time

Cuddling with momma

This is my bed!
Living the dream
Halloween is exhausting

Hungry skeletons
Aunt Whitney, Uncle Alan, and Cousin Tate

Dawg fans
Yeah, we're cute
Our first family tailgate

Hanging with Cousins Nate and Noah, they're pretty cool

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