
Moving On Up

We just moved to the upstairs NICU! This means the boys are continuing to improve and no longer need to be in he critical care NICU. As you can see, they are sharing a room. This is the closest they have been since birth. They are only three feet apart and we can see them at the same time!

Another big milestone today, they both got dressed for the first time! We'll post more pics later. For now, here is a snapshot of our new digs. Will is on the left (he should get a crib tonight) and Aiden is on the right.


  1. I bet they miss each other!!!! When can you put them together?? This is such GREAT news. Hugs and Kisses to my NEWPHEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yea! Overachievers just like their parents! Won't be long before everyone will be home together then the real fun begins!
