

That most accurately describes the last 2 and a half days. Aiden Lewis Griner (Baby A) and William Hap Griner (Baby B) were born Friday, August 24 at 12:34 and 12:35 pm. Aiden weighed 4 pounds 15 ounces and was 18.25 inches long. Will weighed 4 pounds 10 ounces and was 19 inches long.

The boys went to the NICU immediately after birth. They have grown stronger each day. Both received some breathing assistance and Will received a small amount of oxygen Friday. By Saturday morning both were breathing with no assistance. Both have feeding tubes and are tolerating formula very well. We are hoping their IVs can be removed Monday. The feeding tubes will stay until they can gain weight eating from a bottle or breastfeeding. The nurses tell us this is where they will struggle most due to their age. The average NICU stay for 34 week preemies is 3 weeks. The boys' progress will determine when they come home.

We still don't know if they are identical or fraternal. At times they look very similar and other times we think they look different. We won't know definitively until after they have their first pediatrician visits and tests are run.

Angela is slowly recovering. She received 24 hours of Magnesium Sulfate after the C-section which made her very nauseas on top of the normal discomfort of surgery. The doctors were concerned about the possibility of seizures given her very high blood pressure. The hardest part for her was not seeing her sons for 15 hours. She was finally able visit the NICU with her nurse Saturday at 2:30 am (this is when they were named). She was able to go again Saturday night and three times today. Without any complications she will be released Tuesday night.

We are focusing on her healing and spending as much time with the boys as we can. When held skin to skin all of their vitals improve. We both spend several hours per day holding them against our bare chests. I never imagined I would make trips to the NICU simply to change diapers! It is comforting just to be with them.

Here are some pictures. We will keep everyone updated on their progress.
First Family Portrait

Who is Who?

Aiden enjoying some skin on skin time

Aiden's favorite sleeping position

Brothers in the OR

Will holding onto mommy

Will being very cute


  1. Great pictures of your family, Stephen and Angela. The boys are very cute, and I love the names you chose for them. So happy for you!

  2. We are are smiling big seeing this precious pictures. I know it has been a true whirlwind!!! Welcome Aiden Lewis and William Hap. There are some great granddaddys smiling down from heaven And grandmothers too!! I love their names.
