

We just met with the doctor and received our morning update. Angela's blood work came back OK this morning. The platelet count was down from yesterday but not to a concerning level. Her blood pressure has trended up over the past 36 hours, which they are not pleased with. As the doc said, "we are waiting for your body to cry uncle." Every day she can stay pregnant is good, but at some point her health will mandate delivery.

The doctor mentioned putting an order in that she not be fed or watered after midnight until test results come back in the morning. This would limit the length of time they need to wait before delivery. After seeing the look in her eyes he relented. She will be allowed to have breakfast and then will need to wait for the test results before eating or drinking anything else.

Barring any surprises (headaches, blurry vision, upper GI pain, spike in blood pressure) today the next hurdle will be urine test results tomorrow morning.


  1. Thank you Stephen for doing this blog!!!! It will be fun to look back at the documentation of the boys arrival. There are SO many people that are concerned and eager to know what is happening with you guys. I love all 4 of you very much. I know every day that the boys "stay put" is great, but Angela has done an AMAZING job- and she is SO CLOSE to the 34 week mark!! I am SO SO SO PROUD of her. Thank you for taking such WONDERFUL care of her. Can't wait to get back up there soon!

  2. I dreamed about you guys and woke up praying all through the night. I have you on my homeschool group's prayer list and I'm hoping for the best from today's test results.
