
Car Seat Test Underway

Both boys finished 8 bottles yesterday and are on track to do so again. As a result, you will notice something very different in this picture...no feeding tubes! They have been removed, permanently (we hope).

Aiden had a small Bradi this morning but it was related to eating a little too much and then laying down. The nurse practitioner thinks we may go home Friday provided that Angela and I are comfortable using the bulb syringe and resuscitating them if necessary. A little scary, but we are up for it. Having seen it done (and participated) in the hospital I think we are more prepared than many first time parents. Keeping them upright for 15-20 minutes after each feeding helps too. Each meal time will require two sets of hands, one to feed and one to hold. Let the fun begin!

So, one of our last hurdles is the car seat test. We have to sit in our car seats and keep our oxygen saturation and heart rates above 80% for 90 minutes. Halfway through and so far so good.


  1. I can not get over how ADORABLE they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How am I ever going to leave once I am there??????

  2. more pictures please;) I know that I have less than 24 hrs to see them, but I still need MORE PICTURES OF THE WHOLE FAMILY AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
