
Fingers Crossed

No bradi episodes since Friday! So fingers crossed that we have outgrown them! We are getting feistier by the day...Will has pulled his feeding tube out twice in the last couple of days. We have completed 5 of the 8 daily feedings by mouth for the past couple of days and today we are attempting 6! Once we do 6 successfully for a couple of days we will move to 8! We have to do 8 complete feedings for 2 days in a row, then we can go home! Lastly, we have to sit in our car seat for 90 minutes and not have any breathing issues. So hoping we will be home this weekend if all goes well.


  1. Go Boys!!! We are pulling for you. Mom and Dad want you guys home!. So do the rest of us.

  2. That would be awesome. I will certainly keep my fingers crossed. I would say that I will hold my breath - but don't want the kiddos to get any ideas! :)

    Can't wait to see those babies in person!
